Friday, December 14, 2007

Life after Shrugery

Tonight is the rehersal dinner and tomorrow is the big day! Of course we have a winter storm watch for Saturaday with the possibility of six inches of snow accumulation. However, they have been predicting bad weather for the last couple of days and we have dodged the bullet, so here's hoping that our luck holds out for two more days.
Have had a little bit of time to do some little projects--the cream colored and red hat are from a pattern from Monica Jines as are the mittens. A kit for the hat and mittens can be purchased here . The hats are knit in some practice yarn and the mittens are knit in the South West Trading Company Gianna. I really liked the feel of that yarn but found that it was more challenging to work with--made my hands tired.

The lighter blue hat was made before the shrugs were started and it is from an old pattern from a leaflet called Cozy Quartet by Bernat. The darker blue hat was just a simple rib hat.

The scarf below was from a lion brand pattern called Sweet Scallops--I made one smaller for a scarf for a gift and then made it in shawl size for another person for a Christmas gift. That pattern can be found here

1 comment:

monica said...

Beth, I was just telling my hubby and son that your daughter was getting maried tomorrow and here we are supposed to have all this bad weather. I hope everything goes well, and everyone has safe travel.

Everything looks great. I love that scarf it is beautiful.