Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Lost IT

After writing a lengthy post thanking Monica for awarding me the I love Your Blog award and nominating Ria and Sandy for the award (that was as far as I had got)--I LOST it all. So I will just say that my knitting goal in life is to be half as good as my friend Monica--her projects and patterns are wonderful! I love reading Ria' s blog for all the lovely pictures of her work and the fun quizes she has on her blog and for her excitement over the car races! Sandy is an expert crocheter and also shares wonderful patterns that she has developed and found. Check these three out! (I am challenged--I couldn't figure out how to get the picture of the award on my blog ;) so I think I will stop here.)

I have made one more counterpane bag and lined both of them today--I am always proud of myself when I finally finish the lining--I have been known to put them in the closet for years before lining them .

I forgot to say that Sandy is having a crochet contest on her blog--I couldn't choose between the granule stitch and the open fan--so I submitted both. Check out her contest.

1 comment:

Ria said...

So glad you like my blog:D

Love the bag - I vote for the open fan - the fan is one of my favorites.
