Monday, March 31, 2008

The End of March

I see that I have only managed one post so far, so I am thinking I ,at least, must end the month with something. This has not been an especially good month for projects--I don't seem to be getting too much accomplished and spring doesn't seem to be getting here fast enough for me. It is 56 degrees--there are these signs of spring, but I am wanting warm, sunny weather with beautiful flowers and trees blooming.

The winter white afghan continues to progress at a snail's pace. (doesn't saying it that way seem to make it the afghan's fault and not mine that it is not coming
along very fast?) I really don't know why I haven't finished it--it's not that boring to knit--variety of four patterns and I know if I don't hurry and finish it, it will be too hot to work on.

I started another one of Monica's double cable scarf--I wanted to do it in the yarn that she used for the book, but decided that I can not buy that yarn until .I am caught up on some bills. This is Berroca's comfort yarn that I actually also like.

I have also started another afghan by Nicky Epstein called Gentleman's Afghan. I wanted to use the yarn that is pictured in the pattern, but wouldn't you know it, that yarn was discontinued. (Which really was a good thing since I trying to catch up) Since I couldn't have the good stuff, I am using up yarn on hand. I had trouble with a couple of her blocks so I am going with her idea but using patterns that I have always wanted to try.

Here's to the coming of spring--have a good day to all.


monica said...

Spring is on the way. It was 60 here today but raining.... I am sick of the rain. The spring flowers are blooming.

Both of the afghans look wonderful, I love the winter white one. I bet it is getting heavy to work with already.

The scarf looks very nice in that yarn it shows the cable very well.

Marie said...

Hello. I saw this white afghan on the K&C site. You can see it "growing-up" on your blog. The diamond/bobble pattern is lovely.
LOL Lizzy

Biz said...

Holy Schmokes girl, that is alot of squares all at once! I'm lovin' the way they look though! I envy your 56 degrees..*sigh*

smr61754 said...

Hey, HAVE been busy! The white afghan is coming along beautifully! And that gentlemans afghan looks really great! I know what you mean bout not posting...I didnt post anything for a MONTH because I am working on several projects at once and I want to get at least ONE done before I post it.

Warm weather is coming. My problem is my hot flashes get WORSE in warm weather so I am content with the cool temps. Summer will be here soon enough, I know. :)
